5 Strategies To Boost Love Kindness in Your Marriage

5 Strategies To Boost Love Kindness in Your Marriage


One of the most common challenges confronting many couples today is the lack of affection which can also lead to absence of compassion and an ultimate breakdown of the marital relationship if not addressed.

Love and kindness are important marital attributes and showing love and kindness to one another is an individual trait and like a habit, when it is inconsistent, it can be detrimental to your marriage in the end.

Honesty is king

Often, it’s not truth that can destroy marital relationship, it is those things concealed and left unsaid and they can make giving and receiving love immaterial.

When trust diminishes, it breeds a lot of misfortunes which can impact on your emotional well-being making you and your spouse feel cheated, undervalued, miserable and depressed.

Honesty is key in understanding the attributes of love and kindness in every good marriage. Therefore, start by asking yourselves how much honesty and trust you both need to boost love and kindness in your own marriage.

Words are fragile

Kindness is expressed through your thoughts and behaviours towards each other. One of the best ways you can show love and affection to your spouse is by using words that are kind and compassionate while restraining from using spiteful words which can be hurtful and hateful.

Even in moments of discord, it is easy to roll out bitter words towards each other. However, you must learn to control your behaviours as well as words. Words are fragile like fragments of a broken glass and cannot be restored again after leaving damages behind.

Focus on the positive qualities

One of the best ways to express kindness to your spouse is to focus on the positive qualities such as his/her strengths, abilities, and admirable traits. Also remember that if you keep looking for perfection in your spouse, you will never be able to focus on the positives. It is only when you are both caring and kind that you can build a common interest in many good things together as well as boost your love for each other day by day.

Do things differently

Marriage is a learning journey that can only be accomplished when you learn to do things differently sometimes.  Many couples today struggle to express love and kindness in their marriage due to certain setbacks in their childhood or influences from their upbringing.

A home where love and feelings are not shared can have a massive impact on the children’s relationships in their adult years. Nevertheless, when you meet a spouse who is willing to love you regardless of your past, it is only reasonable that you choose to do things differently as one good turn deserves another.

Build great friendships

A great way to boost your marriage is by finding the balance between your marital relationship and friendship networks. When you surround yourself with friends who share your values and purpose in life, they are more likely to make your life whole and give you a sense of belonging too.

Express love and kindness in your interactions with people who come into your lives every day and they in return will shower you with affection and support too.

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