Every medication we were given was malaria medication - Raymond Dokpesi (Video)

Every medication we were given was malaria medication - Raymond Dokpesi (Video)

Daily Focus Nigeria learnt that The founder of DAAR Communications, Raymond Dokpesi, has recovered from COVID-19, AIT, a subsidiary of his company, said in a statement Thursday.

Mr Dokpesi was discharged with two of his grandchildren as other family members await their test results, the statement read.

Mr Dokpesi and seven other family members had, a fortnight ago, contracted the pneumonia-like infection days after his son contracted the virus.

The media mogul said the past two weeks at the treatment centre had provided him with a first-hand experience of the enormous challenge before the country.

Mr Dokpesi, who is also a chieftain of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, added that “with well-thought-out policies and highly-coordinated investment in the health system. Nigeria’s fight against COVID-19 may become the catalyst for the much-needed reform in the health sector.”

he has reacted to the medication they gave him while in the isolation centre quote below

Every medication we were given was malaria medication even some people went before being told they where COVID-19 positive they were tested in reputable laboratories in Abuja, they where tested in many hospitals in Abuja and what they found was that they had a lot of malaria parasites in their bloodstream so when did malaria become synonymous with Covid-19 that’s food for thought

watch the video below


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