See The Meaning Of Mr, Mrs, Am, Pm,SmS And Other Acronyms We Probably Don’t Know Their Meanings

See The Meaning Of Mr, Mrs, Am, Pm,SmS And Other Acronyms We Probably Don’t Know Their Meanings

Many of us have fallen victim of using acronyms which we probably don’t know the meaning. We’ll I will be shearing with you the meaning of some of these acronyms.

1) A.M/P.M

I believe everyone was thought how to read time with these two acronyms but very few people knows the meaning.

A.M & P.M stand for “Ante Meridiem” and “Post Meridiem”.


2) e.g

If you didn’t miss any classes in school I believe you must have heard of e.g a thousand times. Here’s what it stands for

“Example given”

3) Etc.
“et cetera”,

4) R.S.V.P

It is an acronym for a French word “répondez s’il vous plait” which means “Please Reply”. It is often seen in invitation cards, it’s main purpose is to ask invited guest to indicate if they will be able to attend.

5) I.Q. & E.Q

“Intelligence Quotient”.

“Emotional Quotient” or “Emotional Intelligence”.

6) SIM card

“Subscriber Identity Module”.

7) SMS

“Short Message Service”

8) PIN

“Personal Identification Number”.


“Joint Photographic Experts Group”

10) LCD or LED TVs

“Liquid Crystal Display”

“Light Emitting Diode”

11) PhD

“Doctor of Philosophy”.

12) SUV

“Sports Utility Vehicle”

13) MR MRS

“Marture and Responsible”

“Mature Responsible and Submissive”

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