Many Marriages Are In Shambles Because The Private Lives of Couples Are Made Public" - Reno Omokri

Many Marriages Are In Shambles Because The Private Lives of Couples Are Made Public" - Reno Omokri

According to Reno Omokri who posted on Twitter, many marriages are undergoing different issues because their private lives have been made public. There could be some elements of truth to what the activist has said. Marriages nowadays are like reality tv shows on social media. Some married couples share everything they do on social media, awaiting people’s comments and approval. Marriage in the days of old is sacred, no one knows what happens inside unless it is exposed via elders that need elders’ supports.

Reno speaking has tweeted via his official verified Twitter handle educating married couples of what lead to their many issues and shambles. See the screenshot and full tweet reads, “Many marriages are in shambles because the private lives of couples are made public. They post-baby bump and the lump sum they make. Yet, they are surprised when the marriage becomes bumpy. Keep somethings private. It is a marriage, not a reality show”.

Reno Omokri further expressed how pregnant women expose their baby lump by posting them on social media and how some people post lump sum of money they make online. People forget that some people don’t just like you or want your happiness and as such will do anything to make you go down.

He further stressed that marriage isn’t a reality tv show and should be kept private from the world. However, here below are what Twitter users have to say about what Reno posted on marriage below:

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